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The Set-Up - Stoker Thompson is a 35-year-old has-been boxer. His once-promising fighting career has come crashing to the end. Tiny, Stoker's manager, is sure he will continue to lose fights, so he takes money for a "dive" from a mobster, but is so sure that Thompson will lose that he doesn't tell the boxer about the set-up. At the beginning of the last round of the vicious boxing match he learns of the fix.
The Set-Up (1949) Full Movie Best Quality Download
Original Title : The Set-Up
Release : 1949-04-02
Rating : 7.3 by 42 users
Runtime : 73 min.
Studio : RKO Radio Pictures
Country : United States of America
Language : English
Genre : Crime,Drama,Thriller
Stars : Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter, George Tobias, Alan Baxter, Wallace Ford, Percy Helton, Hal Baylor, Darryl Hickman, James Edwards, David Clarke, Phillip Pine, Edwin Max, Kevin O'Morrison
Keywords :
Tagline : I want a man … not a human punching bag!
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the setup 1949 imdb ~ directed by robert wise. with robert ryan audrey totter ge tobias alan baxter. because aging boxer bill thompson always lost his past fights his corrupt manager without telling thompson takes bribesom a betting gangster to ensure thompsons prearranged diveloss in the next match.
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the setup 1949 film wikipedia ~ the setup is a 1949 american film noir boxing drama directed by robert wise and starring robert ryan and audrey totter. the screenplay was adapted by art cohnom a 1928 narrative poem written by joseph moncure march. the setup was the last film wise m for rko and he named it his favorite among the pictures he directed for the studio as well as one of his top ten during his entire career.
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the setup movie ~ the setup 1949. crime drama. stoker thompson is a 35yearold hasbeen boxer. his oncepromising fighting career hase crashing to the end. tiny stokers manager is sure he will continue to lose fights so he takes money for a diveom a mobster but is so sure that thompson will lose that he doesnt tell the boxer about the setup.
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the setup 1949 user reviews tcm ~ i just watched it last night for the first time and had to tell my family after wards what a great movie it was. the boxing scenes look so real you feel like you are in the crowd watching. i plan to buy this and add it to my collection. thanks tcm for showing this gem. set up is a main event! robert strom 7/27/09
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